kurnianggoro / GSOC2017

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Face landmark model license #3

Open m3ntos opened 5 years ago

m3ntos commented 5 years ago

Hi, I would like to ask about the license of the landmark detection model you're using. Would it be ok to use your model in a commercial project?

kurnianggoro commented 5 years ago

Hi, this project has same license with OpenCV which is BSD, you can check BSD license documentation for more information but in sort, you can use BSD licensed code for commercial purpose.

twmht commented 5 years ago


How about the commercial use of the pre-trained model? is it still under BSD license?

kurnianggoro commented 5 years ago

I have another model here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ieKFqxg_JVNv5F2Nz_A20yG74aT6OsW6 but it was trained using HELEN dataset which i do not really know whether it is permissible or not for commercial use. In case you want to train your own model, you can follow the tutorial here https://docs.opencv.org/4.0.0/d7/dec/tutorial_facemark_usage.html

or directly go to the sample code https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/master/modules/face/samples/facemark_demo_lbf.cpp if you train your model using helen dataset, the result will be more or less similar to the pre-trained model provided in this repo.

progmars commented 4 years ago

What dataset was used to train lbfmodel.yaml ?

kurnianggoro commented 4 years ago

@progmars the model was trained on HELEN dataset, for more information you can check here https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.10/d7/dec/tutorial_facemark_usage.html

progmars commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I guess I misread your previous comment:

another model here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ieKFqxg_JVNv5F2Nz_A20yG74aT6OsW6 but it was trained using HELEN dataset

From this I thought that some another model was based on HELEN, but the default model was not based on HELEN.

So, they are both based on HELEN, and, I guess, not usable in commercial projects.

It's sad, I cannot find any facial feature identification project using a dataset that could be used in commercial projects :(

Aksh-07 commented 7 months ago

Hey @progmars, I am somewhat new to creating models for commercial purposes, did you find a way to use a facial landmark detection model, or do I have to create and annotate my dataset or purchase a dataset online. The solution I am working on right now is training the model as @kurnianggoro mentioned on a dataset that I will annotate myself.

progmars commented 7 months ago

Hi @Aksh-07 , unfortunately I don't have any good news. The project I started working on was abandoned because a third party released their own solution that made my attempts useless.