kuroppoi / entralinked

A standalone Game Sync emulator for Pokémon Black & White.
MIT License
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How does the recharging cooldown for Game Sync work? #20

Closed bbysung closed 9 months ago

bbysung commented 9 months ago

hi again, ever since i got it to work yesterday ive been waiting for the "Game Sync has run out of energy. It will take one day to recharge it. Please wait for one day without changing the DS system you're using, and then use Game Sync again" message to disappear.

it's definitely been 24 hours since i got it to work that first time, so i've been trying to log in... and failing every time.

for context the timeline of events looks something like this:

so i suppose i'm asking: is there any way to know/find out how the cooldown works? i'm definitely connected because there's no error code; i'm more confused/curious about how the cooldown works so i can work around it

kuroppoi commented 9 months ago

Swapping DS systems or changing the time while on cooldown will reset the timer, so it’s best to wait 24 hours without doing either of those things.

bbysung commented 9 months ago

i got it turns out i do in fact just have to be patient 👍 thanks anyway!