kurtosis-tech / near-package

A Kurtosis package that spins up a local near testnet
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launch-local-near-cluster.sh script launch problem #41

Closed TarasMatolinets closed 1 year ago

TarasMatolinets commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone. I'm trying to configure local.test network and I'm getting error with after this ~/launch-local-near-cluster.sh. In attached you will see more details about this error. Maybe someone may help me with this ~/launch-local-near-cluster.sh Error: An error occurred running command 'run' --- at /home/circleci/project/cli/cli/command_framework/lowlevel/lowlevel_kurtosis_command.go:295 (LowlevelKurtosisCommand.MustGetCobraCommand.func2) --- Caused by: An error occurred calling the run function for command 'run' --- at /home/circleci/project/cli/cli/command_framework/highlevel/engine_consuming_kurtosis_command/engine_consuming_kurtosis_command.go:149 (EngineConsumingKurtosisCommand.getRunFunc.func1) --- Caused by: An error occurred getting the enclave context for enclave 'near' --- at /home/circleci/project/cli/cli/commands/run/run.go:210 (run) --- Caused by: An error occurred while getting context for existing enclave with identifier 'near' --- at /home/circleci/project/cli/cli/commands/run/run.go:332 (getOrCreateEnclaveContext) --- Caused by: An error occurred creating an enclave context from the returned enclave info --- at /home/circleci/project/api/golang/engine/lib/kurtosis_context/kurtosis_context.go:110 (KurtosisContext.GetEnclaveContext) --- Caused by: Enclave containers status was 'EnclaveContainersStatus_STOPPED', but we can't create an enclave context from a non-running enclave --- at /home/circleci/project/api/golang/engine/lib/kurtosis_context/kurtosis_context.go:331 (newEnclaveContextFromEnclaveInfo) --- Error: An error occurred executing package 'github.com/kurtosis-tech/near-package'

gbouv commented 1 year ago

Hey @TarasMatolinets Given the error above, can you try running kurtosis enclave rm near and retry the script? I am on latest version of kurtosis and I just tried it, it runs just fine. Let me know if that fixes your issue.

TarasMatolinets commented 1 year ago

@gbouv Yes this it's works