kurtsson / jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin

I18n support for Jekyll and Octopress
MIT License
925 stars 202 forks source link

this plugin doesn't work [octopress] #23

Closed eguneys closed 5 years ago

eguneys commented 9 years ago

This is my folder structure

|-- en
|   `-- _posts
|       |-- a.md
|       |-- b.md
|       |-- c.md
|       `-- d.md
|-- en.yml
|-- tr
|   `-- _posts
|       `-- t.md
`-- tr.yml

this is my index.html

{% assign post = site.posts.first %}
<article class="hentry">
  {% include article.html %}
</article><!-- /.hentry -->

The problem is when I visit http://localhost/tr, I can't see the t.md but the posts in en folder a.md b.md c.md. What is wrong?

You can see my repo at github, note that it's on gh-pages branch.

Please fix it asap.

kurtsson commented 9 years ago

It's open source @eguneys, fix it yourself and send a pull request. Im not even using this plugin anymore.

eguneys commented 9 years ago

I am sorry, can you help me here, is this plugin working or not, I don't know if I am doing something wrong or It's the plugin.

kurtsson commented 9 years ago

Well this plugin works, but there are issues with later versions of Octopress. I don't have any Octopress site up and running so I'm not able to test it either. However if you have one, you are very much welcome to test and fix, the code is just one file and not very hard to understand either.

eguneys commented 9 years ago

@kurtsson I've studied the problem further, and there is something I don't understand. It generates the posts in the tr subfolder fine. But the problem is index.html. Note that I use site.posts variable to iterate over the posts, that is wrong for the tr language. Can you give some hint why that would be the case, and what causes index.html to render, and gives it payload wrong?

Note that it generates the tr language fine in the public folder, Only problem is the index.html. Please help me out, I can't solve this issue myself.

Anthony-Gaudino commented 8 years ago

@eguneys this is a very old issue and I don't believe you are interested in it anymore.

If you are still interested, please try using the newest plugin version, maybe it can solve your problem.