kustodian / extended-statusbar

Firefox addon which adds a statusbar with speed, percentage, time and loaded size (similar to Opera's one)
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 6 forks source link

Restartless shot #11

Closed sipertruk closed 10 years ago

sipertruk commented 10 years ago

Needs testing.

kustodian commented 10 years ago

Can't wait to try it out :)

sipertruk commented 10 years ago


kustodian commented 10 years ago

Restartless works like a charm :dancers: I tried removing it, then adding it, and it didn't ask me to restart. I will check out if there are any other issues, but from the first glance it looks solid!

This is definitely going to be version 2.0 :smile:

As always, awesome job!

kustodian commented 10 years ago

I just remembered something. We will need to find out what is the oldest FF version that supports restartless extensions, since it will be needed when the extensions is submitted to Mozilla.

sipertruk commented 10 years ago

The feature is there since 4.0 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Bootstrapped_extensions

Now there's the pre 29 branch problem, choices are translating extendedstatusbarFF4.xul into js or making extendedstatusbarFF29.js work everywhere.

sipertruk commented 10 years ago

The oldest compatible ff is 10.0, I thought it was 8.0 but the prefs won't load for an unknown reason.

adoxa commented 10 years ago

This apparently stops me using it in the status bar - I can move it there, and hide the Extended Statusbar, but on next start the Extended Statusbar is back, and there's nothing in the status bar (and nothing in Customization, I manually edit prefs.js to get it back). Any tips before I delve into the CustomizableUI docs?

kustodian commented 10 years ago

It is probably a problem in the initialization. I opened a bug #19.

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