kuthulux / gnome-connection-manager

repository for gnome-connection-manager from kuthulu.com/gcm
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Scroll over server TABs does not work. #43

Closed Hakun1n closed 4 years ago

Hakun1n commented 4 years ago


Scrolling over server TABs does not change the the active TAB. This was VERY useful function in previous versions as i could do some cluster-commands and then quickly scroll over tabs to check the result across multiple servers. Now this does not work and click on the tab is required. If more servers are opened then i have to click on the left/right arrows as well.

Could we get the scrolling over TAB fixed please?

I am on Fedora 32 (Plasma) and GCM 1.2.1

Thank you and THANKS for resurrecting this project!

Hakun1n commented 3 years ago


Just tested the patch. The scrolling over TABs works but both scroll-down and scroll-up moves the tab selection forward. Ideally the scroll-down should move forward (right) and scroll-up backwards (left). Also it cycles around. Not sure if intended. A checkbox in menu for this would be nice (circle around or stop on last/first - depends on the direction).
