kuthulux / gnome-connection-manager

repository for gnome-connection-manager from kuthulu.com/gcm
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Ability to change the terminal colors #78

Open muhdiboy opened 2 years ago

muhdiboy commented 2 years ago

I would like to be able to change the terminal colors so that it can be customized and can be better read.

I don't know if it is currently possible to change the color palette of the PyGtk/Vte Terminal Emulator. Changing Font color is possible and is working like it should.

ericc-dream commented 1 year ago

Hi I have almost the same request. Changing the colours foreground/background only isn't enough. I'm working on some applications where some messages appear on dark blue, which are barely unreadable on black background, and other messages on bright yellow which are barely unreadable on light background ... (I'm agree, this is bad application !!) Ideally we should be able to use an external terminal like "Tilix" by example, which support "colours scheme"

BowlOfSoup commented 1 year ago

I've seen several topics about this. I would love to be able to change the colors too.

muhdiboy commented 1 year ago

With an upgrade of the distro the issue is less about readability for me, because the color blue has been updated to a brighter one.

ksowa commented 11 months ago

I 100% support this feature request. Currently even out of the box on Ubuntu the output of a simple ls can be barely readable. I'd love to be able to override some colors.


ericc-dream commented 11 months ago

If your problem is only with 'ls', you can easily solve it using environment variable 'LS_COLOR' echo $LS_COLORS see : Configuring LS_COLORS I changed the colour used for directory with "di=1;94"

Unfortunately not all function or application allow to do that !

ksowa commented 11 months ago

@ericc-dream thank you for this advice! I was struggling with this for so long and the solution appeared to be not that complicated.

This looks so much better! image