kuwisdelu / Cardinal

Mass spectrometry imaging toolbox
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Documentation for cardinal #35

Closed QQhuan closed 4 months ago

QQhuan commented 4 months ago

Where can I get the user documentation?The url of user guide https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/Cardinal/inst/doc/Cardinal-3-guide.html was invalid. image Waiting for it to be fixed.

kuwisdelu commented 4 months ago

Thanks for letting me know to update the website. Those are just convenience links to Bioconductor where the web versions of the vignettes have always been hosted:

https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.19/bioc/html/Cardinal.html https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.19/data/experiment/html/CardinalWorkflows.html

They are also included with the package via browseVignettes("Cardinal") or, e.g., vignette("Cardinal3-guide") as suggested in the package startup message when you load Cardinal via library().