kuylar / curserinth

A wrapper that wraps the CurseForge API and makes it Modrinth compatible
30 stars 2 forks source link

Specifying a mod loader does not change the list of mods #1

Closed kuylar closed 1 year ago

kuylar commented 1 year ago

https://curserinth-api.kuylar.dev/v2/search?limit=20&index=relevance&facets=[[%22categories:fabric%22],[%22project_type:mod%22]] returns the following output image If the same request is done with the project type being modpack, the response does not change

kuylar commented 1 year ago

Made sure that the call to the CF API is done correctly, but the response is still the same

Defetyre commented 1 year ago

It's still a thing, and it renders your website useless when searching for fabric mods