-- This file is provided without any express or implied warranties, including,
-- but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
-- for a particular purpose. It is not intended for use in life support
-- appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is expressly
-- prohibited.--
-- Engineers: Koen Vanhoof (KV)
-- History: 19/06/2016 (KV) : Creation of this file
-- 14/01/2021 (KV) : Updated for the CSIMBA project
-- Description:
-- This block extracts all information which is variable for each frame and needs
-- to be included in the image meta data (ancillary data or ANC data).
-- To get the data, the block monitors
-- - what is sent to the SPI block and decodes this data to extract the sensor settings
-- - the internal register contents (which are all inputs) and extracts the data needed
-- - the temperature whenever it is ready
-- Notes:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library dt;
use dt.dt_num_utils_pkg.all;
use WORK.cmv12k_pkg.all;
use WORk.cmv12k_anc_pkg.all;
-- ENTITY --
-- we need :
-- texposure
-- image_size
-- sensor temperature
-- frame_type
-- cropping_start
-- cropping_size
-- binning enable.
-- time : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- 64 bit CDC format
-- image_size : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- size in bytes
-- sensorTemp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --
-- frame_type : std_logic; -- HS or PAN
-- colStart : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- in 32 bit increments: only 64 bit increments needed in final ANC, but 32 bit increments needed in IP
-- imageWidth : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- in 32 bit increments
-- binning_en : std_logic; -- when 1, 2x2 binning is enabled.
entity cmv12k_anc_mgt is
port (
CLK : in std_logic; -- system clk
RST : in std_logic; -- reset
HS_PLUS_PAN : in std_logic;
MUTE_NEXT_PAN : in std_logic;
CONFIG_INDEX : in std_logic_vector; -- active configuration
SET_VAR_ROI : in std_logic; -- pulse when the ROI's are written to the sensor
VAR_ROI_DONE : in std_logic; -- goes high when writing the ROI's is done
SENSOR_REGISTER : in std_logic_vector; -- sensor register written
SENSOR_DATA : in std_logic_vector; -- parallel write SPI data to send to the sensor
SENSOR_DATA_VAL : in std_logic; -- enable pulse when the data is valid
INT_REGS_VAL : in std_logic; -- pulse when the internal registers below can be sampled
EXPOSURE_TIME_ONE : in std_logic_vector; -- even exposure
FRAME_TIME : in std_logic_vector; -- frame time
IMAGE_PROC_CFG : in std_logic_vector; -- all the settings for the image processing
IMAGE_HEIGHT : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- total size of the image. Needed to path the temperature readout.
TIME_STAMP : in std_logic_vector; -- time stamp of the start of the integration
TIME_STAMP_VAL : in std_logic; -- valid pulse for the above
SENSOR_TEMP : in std_logic_vector; -- sensor temperature as readout from the sensor
SENSOR_TEMP_VAL : in std_logic; -- valid pulse for the above
ANC_INFO_READY : in std_logic; -- pulses when all ANC data is ready to be written to FIFO
ANC_DATA_VAL : out std_logic; -- high when the ANC data can be written to the memory
ANC_ID : out std_logic_vector; -- ANC ID of the ANC output.
ANC_DATA : out anc_data_t; -- packed ANC data, ready to interface axi_requester
signal AncDataVal : std_logic; --!
signal CfgCurrent : anc_data_t;
signal CfgNext : anc_data_t;
signal Ongoing : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal AncId : unsigned(4 downto 0);
attribute mark_debug : string;
attribute mark_debug of CfgCurrent : signal is "TRUE";
attribute mark_debug of CfgNext : signal is "TRUE";
attribute mark_debug of ANC_DATA : signal is "TRUE";
-- BEGIN --
process (CLK, RST)
variable Ongoing_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range);
variable Done_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range);
variable StartPulses_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range);
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if (RST = '1') then
CfgCurrent <= C_ANC_DATA_ZEROS;
Ongoing <= (others => '0');
AncDataVal <= '0';
AncId <= (others => '1');
StartPulses_v := SET_VAR_ROI;
Done_v := VAR_ROI_DONE;
Ongoing_v := (others => '0');
for i in StartPulses_v'range loop
if StartPulses_v(i) = '1' then
Ongoing_v(i) := '1';
elsif Done_v(i) = '1' then
Ongoing_v(i) := '0';
Ongoing_v(i) := Ongoing(i);
end if;
Ongoing(i) <= Ongoing_v(i);
end loop;
-- Monitor the writes to the SPI memory. Depending on which address is written, the write data is copied into the corresponding
-- ANC fields.
if (Ongoing_v(c_VAR_ROI) = '1') and SENSOR_DATA_VAL = '1' then
case to_integer(unsigned(SENSOR_REGISTER)) is
-- the general settings
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
if INT_REGS_VAL = '1' then
-- when the internal register inputs are valid, store them in the next field, since they
-- they are read BEFORE the exposure is started (to know which exposure time to use)
CfgNext.frame_type <= IMAGE_PROC_CFG(C_PL_VNIR_VAR_IMG_CFG_CFG_HS_PAN'high);
CfgNext.image_size <= IMAGE_SIZE;
-- the image width has an additional bit for the cropping block to allow setting the width to 128 (==8bit)
CfgNext.imageWidth(CfgNext.imageWidth'range) <= '0' & IMAGE_PROC_CFG(C_PL_VNIR_VAR_IMG_CFG_CFG_CROP_LENGTH'range);
CfgNext.imageWidth(CfgNext.imageWidth'high) <= '1';
end if;
CfgCurrent.frame_type <= CfgNext.frame_type;
CfgCurrent.binning_en <= CfgNext.binning_en;
CfgCurrent.colStart <= CfgNext.colStart;
CfgCurrent.imageWidth <= CfgNext.imageWidth;
CfgCurrent.image_size <= CfgNext.image_size;
end if;
-- when the correction data are valid store them also in the next item since the info is available before exposure
if SENSOR_TEMP_VAL = '1' then
CfgCurrent.sensorTemp <= SENSOR_TEMP; --
end if;
if TIME_STAMP_VAL = '1' then
CfgCurrent.time <= TIME_STAMP;
end if;
AncDataVal <= '0';
if ANC_INFO_READY = '1' then
AncDataVal <= '1';
if CfgCurrent.frame_type = C_PAN then
if ()
PanAncId <= PanAncId + 1;
HsAncId <= HsAncId + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Filename: cmv12k_anc_mgt.vhd
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Deltatec (www.deltatec.be)
-- This file is provided without any express or implied warranties, including, -- but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness -- for a particular purpose. It is not intended for use in life support -- appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is expressly -- prohibited.--
-- Engineers: Koen Vanhoof (KV)
-- History: 19/06/2016 (KV) : Creation of this file -- 14/01/2021 (KV) : Updated for the CSIMBA project
-- Description: -- This block extracts all information which is variable for each frame and needs -- to be included in the image meta data (ancillary data or ANC data). -- To get the data, the block monitors -- - what is sent to the SPI block and decodes this data to extract the sensor settings -- - the internal register contents (which are all inputs) and extracts the data needed -- - the temperature whenever it is ready
-- Notes:
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library dt; use dt.dt_num_utils_pkg.all;
use WORK.cmv12k_pkg.all; use WORk.cmv12k_anc_pkg.all;
-- ENTITY --
-- we need : -- texposure -- image_size -- sensor temperature -- frame_type -- cropping_start
-- cropping_size -- binning enable.
-- time : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- 64 bit CDC format -- image_size : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- size in bytes -- sensorTemp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- -- frame_type : std_logic; -- HS or PAN -- colStart : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- in 32 bit increments: only 64 bit increments needed in final ANC, but 32 bit increments needed in IP -- imageWidth : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- in 32 bit increments -- binning_en : std_logic; -- when 1, 2x2 binning is enabled.
entity cmv12k_anc_mgt is port ( CLK : in std_logic; -- system clk RST : in std_logic; -- reset
); end cmv12k_anc_mgt;
architecture rtl of cmv12k_anc_mgt is
-- TYPE --
constant c_FIXED_CONFIG : integer := 0; constant c_VAR_CONFIG : integer := 1; constant c_VAR_ROI : integer := 2;
-- addresses of the sensor registers needed for the ANC data constant c_IMAGE_FLIP_OFFSET : integer := 69; constant c_BIT_MODE_OFFSET : integer := 118; constant c_TEST_PAT_OFFSET : integer := 122; constant c_BLACK_REF_EN_OFFSET : integer := 89; constant c_INTERLEAVED_READOUT_OFFSET : integer := 70; constant c_PGA_OFFSET : integer := 115; constant c_DIG_GAIN_OFFSET : integer := 117; constant c_ROI_HEIGHT : integer := 1; constant c_ROI_START_0 : integer := 2; constant c_ROI_START_1 : integer := 3; constant c_ROI_START_2 : integer := 4; constant c_ROI_START_3 : integer := 5; constant c_ROI_START_4 : integer := 6; constant c_ROI_START_5 : integer := 7; constant c_ROI_START_6 : integer := 8; constant c_ROI_START_7 : integer := 9; constant c_ROI_START_8 : integer := 10; constant c_ROI_START_9 : integer := 11; constant c_ROI_SIZE_0 : integer := 34; constant c_ROI_SIZE_1 : integer := 35; constant c_ROI_SIZE_2 : integer := 36; constant c_ROI_SIZE_3 : integer := 37; constant c_ROI_SIZE_4 : integer := 38; constant c_ROI_SIZE_5 : integer := 39; constant c_ROI_SIZE_6 : integer := 40; constant c_ROI_SIZE_7 : integer := 41; constant c_ROI_SIZE_8 : integer := 42; constant c_ROI_SIZE_9 : integer := 43;
-- bit definitions of the sensor configuration bits in the sensor registers constant c_SENSOR_BLACK_REF : integer := 15; constant c_SENSOR_TEST_PAT : integer := 1; constant c_SENSOR_TRAINING_PAT : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant c_SENSOR_INTERLEAVED_READOUT : integer := 1; constant c_SENSOR_PGA_GAIN : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant c_SENSOR_PGA_DIV : integer := 3; constant c_SENSOR_DIG_GAIN : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant c_SENSOR_START : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant c_SENSOR_SIZE : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant c_SENSOR_HEIGHT : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- SIGNAL --
signal AncDataVal : std_logic; --! signal CfgCurrent : anc_data_t; signal CfgNext : anc_data_t; signal Ongoing : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal AncId : unsigned(4 downto 0);
attribute mark_debug : string; attribute mark_debug of CfgCurrent : signal is "TRUE"; attribute mark_debug of CfgNext : signal is "TRUE"; attribute mark_debug of ANC_DATA : signal is "TRUE";
-- BEGIN --
begin process (CLK, RST) variable Ongoing_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range); variable Done_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range); variable StartPulses_v : std_logic_vector(Ongoing'range); begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if (RST = '1') then CfgCurrent <= C_ANC_DATA_ZEROS; CfgNext <= C_ANC_DATA_ZEROS; Ongoing <= (others => '0'); AncDataVal <= '0'; AncId <= (others => '1'); else StartPulses_v := SET_VAR_ROI; Done_v := VAR_ROI_DONE; Ongoing_v := (others => '0'); for i in StartPulses_v'range loop if StartPulses_v(i) = '1' then Ongoing_v(i) := '1'; elsif Done_v(i) = '1' then Ongoing_v(i) := '0'; else Ongoing_v(i) := Ongoing(i); end if; Ongoing(i) <= Ongoing_v(i); end loop;
end process;
HS_ANC_ID <= std_logic_vector(HsAncId); HS_ANC_DATA <= CfgCurrent; HS_ANC_DATA_VAL <= AncDataVal;
PAN_ANC_ID <= std_logic_vector(PanAncId); PAN_ANC_DATA <= CfgCurrent; PAN_ANC_DATA_VAL <= AncDataVal;
-- END --
end rtl;
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match') at beautifyBrackets (c:\Users\kv.vscode\extensions\pretty-vhdl-main\out\src\VHDLFormatter\VHDLFormatter.js:1208:30)