kvakvs / BuffomatClassic

Maintained Buffomat addon for Classic World of Warcraft and Classic TBC.
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Ensure buffing warlock pets (pets in general) works #38

Closed kvakvs closed 2 years ago

kvakvs commented 3 years ago

Hey, are you able to add support to buff warlock pets?

Need that extra minmax buff on the felguard with my motw :D

farske commented 3 years ago

It seems it doesn't let me buff hunter pets in my party either, so yeah maybe an examination at all pets.

Yes with pets icon enabled/ticked. :)

Thank you for a great addon.

kvakvs commented 3 years ago

Buffing pets kinda works? Closing this, but feel free to reopen if it doesn't work.

farske commented 3 years ago

I gave it a test with hunters and warlocks.

It just doesnt appear for some reason. I'll grab a little gif next time I'm on.

kvakvs commented 3 years ago

Enable group buff for the buff you're testing, click 👤 to become two silhoutettes 👥 Then in the right side after all classes and tanks, click 🐯 tiger face to enable buffing pets.

farske commented 3 years ago

I grabbed my Hunter mate. My settings: https://i.imgur.com/HcsOyTY.png My buff prompts: https://i.imgur.com/gNeKAyY.png Pet has no buff: https://i.imgur.com/pQnwNrB.png Even shown with group buffs: https://i.imgur.com/1IGZUTy.png

Does this not work with other party members pets buffs?

kvakvs commented 3 years ago

I certainly remember that it prompts me to buff pets in dungeons. I will need to double check the code. Thanks for the detailed demo.

P.S. you can Win+Shift+S to grab an area screenshot and paste the copied picture directly in your Github comments.