May 2, 2021: WPOD requested the following enhancements to the 9-panel display of ROF evaluation results.
It looks like the precipitation is still in mm. Can you convert it to inches? Status: completed by KVW on May 3, 2021
For the ROF legend, change it to the 10% interval rather than the current 20% interval as we see ROF at a 10% increment for operations. Status: Completed by KVW on May 3, 2021
May 2, 2021: WPOD requested the following enhancements to the 9-panel display of ROF evaluation results.
It looks like the precipitation is still in mm. Can you convert it to inches? Status: completed by KVW on May 3, 2021
For the ROF legend, change it to the 10% interval rather than the current 20% interval as we see ROF at a 10% increment for operations. Status: Completed by KVW on May 3, 2021