Start with an activity where we ask them to frame their problem which they think might be suitable for ML.
What are you trying to accomplish? State the goal of the solution you are interested in developing
What’s the current approach? How does a human solve the problem?
What kind of data is available to you, or could be available? What are some example features?
One of the main learning objectives of the workshop will be to determine whether your goal is best addressed using supervised machine learning, inferential statistics, unsupervised learning, deep learning, generative AI, or a non-ML solution.
Introduction to supervised ML (~60 mins)
inference vs. prediction
types of ML
types of data
regression vs. classification
decision trees
ML fundamentals (generalization, data splitting, overfitting/underfitting, fundamental tradeoff, golden rule )
Start with an activity where we ask them to frame their problem which they think might be suitable for ML.
One of the main learning objectives of the workshop will be to determine whether your goal is best addressed using supervised machine learning, inferential statistics, unsupervised learning, deep learning, generative AI, or a non-ML solution.
Introduction to supervised ML (~60 mins)
Break (~5 mins)
Supervised ML models and pipeline (~30 mins)
Intro to deep learning/image classification (~30 mins)
Break (~5 mins)
Intro to unsupervised learning (~20 mins)
Intro to LLMs (~20 mins)