Real-world (white box)
▪ Water resource planning problem with 3 variables, 5 objectives
and 7 constraints [Musselman and Talavage 1980]
[Musselman and Talavage 1980 ] K. Musselman and J. Talavage . A trade off cut approach to multiple objective
optimization. Operations Research 28(6):1424 1435, 1980
Real-world (white box) ▪ Water resource planning problem with 3 variables, 5 objectives and 7 constraints [Musselman and Talavage 1980]
[Musselman and Talavage 1980 ] K. Musselman and J. Talavage . A trade off cut approach to multiple objective optimization. Operations Research 28(6):1424 1435, 1980