kvetak / RINA

RINA Simulator
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Imt tsp #7

Closed fatmahrizi closed 8 years ago

fatmahrizi commented 8 years ago

Here are the changes: 1) Distributed clouds scneario: examples/routing (from the paper SFR) 2) A short tutorial on how to set the scenario in RinaSim tuto-rinaSim.pdf (you can use it or make chnages/comments on it if needed)


thykel commented 8 years ago

Merging the contribution as it doesn't disrupt anything else in the master branch (apart from little things fixed by the last commit).

However, the simulation scenario appears to be misconfigured -- there are dozens of uninitialized values in omnetpp.ini which cause the user to be flooded with prompts at the beginning of each simulation run.

We're going to be moving broken scenarios outside of /examples/ in a few days -- I'm going to have to include DistributedCloudsLS among them unless this gets fixed.

fatmahrizi commented 8 years ago

The uninitialized values does not affect the simulation run. These values are related to the addresses of the IPCPs of the tenant DIF. As I configure the tenant DIF in a way to select some nodes at each run to be part of this DIF, we dont have systematically a tenant DIF IPCP for each VIFIB Node.. So we don't need to set the tenant DIF addresses for each node in the simulation (I have here 120 nodes). So, to run the simulation the user should ignore the message of unassigned parameter by checking "use this value for all similar parameters"

The results of the paper could be perfectly reproduced with the provided scenario. It works pretty fine for me.