kvirc / KVIrc

The KVIrc IRC Client
GNU General Public License v2.0
238 stars 75 forks source link

Features Requested: Channel CTCP Confirm Dialog Box; Bot Manager, Launcher, and Bots; lastly, a File Server #2449

Open userRootPi2 opened 4 years ago

userRootPi2 commented 4 years ago

Let me first thank you for the hard work that you do in putting KVIrc together. It is by far, the best IRC client in existence.. However, it could be so much better, and I hate to see what is happening with the dwindling population numbers of IRC. Here are a few things, that I think will make KVIrc and IRC in general, more attractive to the end-user...

More than once, I have accidentally right clicked on a channel window, CTCP, "x command," and after executing such command, was instantly banned from some channel. It would be nice if KVIrc could pick up on which channels forbid such commands, and let the user know that they are forbidden; or alternatively, warn before such commands are executed, that it could result in the user being banned.

Next, it would be cool if KVIrc had bots, a bot manager, and launcher. That's right... Time has come for KVIrc to not only be a client, but also channel facilitator. I propose a two basic bots: first, a bot that can return basic information given a user request resulting from typed commands in channel ("!," "*"); second, a news bot, that will fetch news from websites, and post a link in channel. A clean interface to launch and manage these bots will also come in handy.

Something that used to be ubiquitous on IRC, were FSERVES and other file servers... This should not be a plugin; it should be maintained, and a part of the modern IRC package. At first, I thought it was just nostalgia, but then I thought about it, and came to the realization that it is absolutely silly to lose this core functionality simply because it has fallen out of favor. No addon file-serving has been maintained with KVIrc for years; moreover, it hard to find any up to date software or script that will perform such functionality. This is sad... IRC is not merely a text based communications protocol, but a file sharing one also.

Such functionality could be activated via a channel request (!, *), or via a query to the user acting as a server. If possible, and in an effort to modernize, it would be nice if KVIrc could browse files listed on a file server via commander style windows, instead of just merely a text based query.

AndrioCelos commented 4 years ago

Most of these, can be done using scripts. And technically, IRC isn't a file sharing protocol; DCC is (a rather outdated one) and I'm not aware of any actual spec for file sharing servers using DCC (I'd like to know if one exists though). As an idea, the $alias.body KVS function can be used to check whether an alias exists, so that you can write a script that provides bot commands using aliases, for instance, responding to !op by calling botcommand::op.