kvittingseerup / IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR

An R package to Identify, Annoatate and Visialize Isoform Switches with Functional Consequences (from RNA-seq data)
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Error with importIsoformExpression #232

Closed EntoErin closed 4 months ago

EntoErin commented 4 months ago


I have recently updated my version of R to 4.3.3. and have reinstalled IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR alongside pfamAnalyzeR.

I am revisiting a script I have previously used with no issue where I am importing isoforms.results files from RSEM.

The code is:

file.list <- list.files("./", pattern = "*isoforms.results")

quant_data <- importIsoformExpression(sampleVector = file.list)

I am receiving the following error:

Error in importIsoformExpression(sampleVector = file.list) : could not find function "importIsoformExpression"

Please could you advise? I cannot seem to find this problem elsewhere online, and I have restarted R multiple times.

Kind Regards, Erin

EntoErin commented 4 months ago

Please ignore this: I was missing S4Arrays from my packages. It works now! Apologies