kvormweg / monochrome

A Dokuwiki template
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Following Dokuwiki general settings and additional request #7

Open zounp opened 4 years ago

zounp commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the monochrome template. I like it a lot. Since I like Dokuwiki I also want to use Dokuwiki for non wiki usage. Your monochrome template is very suitable tor that. However I noticed that the monochrome template does not follow the settings in Administration | Configuration Settings | disableactions .

I do no need the sitemap (actually I only need the login link when not being logged in, so no sitemap, no trace no link to media manager, not the black sidebar on the right (how is it officially called?) and so on). So It would be nice if the monochrome template did follow the general DokuWiki settings. Also it would be nice if I could turn the sidebar on the right off when not logged in. Thanks.

kvormweg commented 4 years ago

The template honors the 'disableaction' settings well enough. If you disable 'search', the search form will disappear, if you disable 'edit', the edit button will disappear too. So I don't know what you are hinting at.

The disabled actions are valid for all user logged-on or not. Disabling the 'edit' action will result in a read-only wiki (I don't see any use cases for that ...).

Anyway, I have hidden the page and site tools in the menu sidebar for all users who have only read permissions for the current page. Please try that out.

I will have to think about hiding the menu bar.

zounp commented 4 years ago

I do not understand what you mean with "The template honors the 'disableaction' settings well enough." I wanted to hint that the monochrome template did not follow the disable action for sitemap. I learned that the sitmap is under the three horizontal lines icon on the left of the text "trace". Do the monochrome template does not follow the dokuwiki settings in Administration | Configuration Settings | disableactions in this respect.

Also I presumed that, via the "Other actions (comma separated)" of disableactions, the Mediamanager access and trace could be turned off. That is not the case so it is logical that the monochrome template does not follow those either. Thanks for hiding the page and sitetools for users not logged in. Can you also hide the mediamanager for users who are not logged in? That would be nice.

Thanks, also for thinking about hiding the menu bar. It is especially useful if it slides out of view after a delay, so one can know it is there, on a smartphone in portrait view. In that case the menu bar takes a relative big part of the screen width. Other people whom I showed my dokuwiki instance with the monochrome template noticed that too. And more subjective, it distracts from the content of the page in my experience.

I think it would be nice if there are separate disable actions, which also include mediamanager and trace and maybe something more for users logged in and users not logged in. But that is a different discussion for Dokuwiki main.

I hope this clarifies things. If not, please let me know. Thanks.

zounp commented 4 years ago

I removed " When playing with the monochrome template activated I noticed that the responsiveness is not as good as from the default Dokuwiki template. On my desktop there is no issue. But on my smartphone it does not scale. I have the impression that the template thinks my phone is a desktop device. This makes the page as good as unreadable. One needs to do a lot of x y scrolling in order to be able to read the contents of the page. I hope this can be fixed. " in the previous comment because when testing on a later moment everything was fine on Android with Firefox and Chrome. Only not with Via on Android but I see that as a Via issue.