kw123 / Hue-Lights-Indigo-plugin

Philips Hue control from Indigo
MIT License
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White Temperature setting also changes RGB Values #10

Open Ghawken opened 2 years ago

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

Hi Karl,

Sorry, potentially another thing..

If I start with a device On - & using Temperature Only:

Such as here:


If I then change the Temperature only with Indigo Slider: Sent Hue Lights "(U) MainBedroom Upright 1" on to 98 using color temperature 6500.00K. at ramp rate 0.0 sec.. All good and Settings stay okay for a second or 2...

But then there are updated color values happen/given - causing


Easy to replicate - just change Temperature and watch color values also change. I presume this is un-wanted behaviour and the issue I'm having is moment RGB values changed - registered as updated and cyan is the color choosen. Despite being warm white etc..

I actually wondered whether the way around is to register these hue bulbs as NOT support WhiteTemperature?

I have disabled Temperature support, and all works as expected - so not sure why the RGB Color values are updating on Indigo (also turned on in RGB selected as you can see in RGB selected), presume there is an issue somewhere when temperature changed - RGB updated…. But no biggies as have worked around!

Enjoy your time away!
