kw1jjang / CalVoD

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ipv4 and ipv6 Problems #10

Open ryankashi opened 8 years ago

ryankashi commented 8 years ago

This needs a bit more testing. I was unable to connect to an ipv6 public server on an ipv4 machine. I do not know if my ipv4 machine is an outlier or not. This means that when running as a user on an ipv4 machine, it was unable to connect to an ipv6 cache.

We need to find an additional ipv4 machine, and try to connect it to an ipv6 public address running the code (i.e. my laptop on Airbears2). If my machine is not an outlier and the problem persists for all ipv4 addresses, we probably need to find a way to fix it...

Tl;dr: An ipv6 user or cache will have no problems whatsoever. An ipv4 user can only connect to ipv4 server, tracker, and caches. An ipv4 cache can only connect to ipv4 server and tracker. An ipv6 tracker and server can only support ipv6 caches and users. An ipv4 tracker and server can support all caches and users (however users will crash when they try to get information from an ipv6 cache).