PNG/APNG files MAY have additional tEXt chunks that works like assets embedded in CHARX files. the tEXt chunk MUST be named chara-ext-asset_:{path} and the value of the tEXt chunk MUST be the base64 encoded binary data. and it could be accessed by __asset:{path} URI. however, implementing this on new applications SHOULD be avoided, and CHARX files SHOULD be used instead.
I noticed the chunk name differs from how it's implementation in RisuAI (see code). There is no colon in Risu, but there is one in the spec, but then the underscore looks a bit superfluous. So I'm left to wonder: which one is correct? Is it the RisuAI implementation, or the spec? I'm assuming the spec is based off of Risu, so I've been using that for testing.
(Edit: I checked and Risu won't load a png that uses chara-ext-asset_:{path}.)
From the spec:
I noticed the chunk name differs from how it's implementation in RisuAI (see code). There is no colon in Risu, but there is one in the spec, but then the underscore looks a bit superfluous. So I'm left to wonder: which one is correct? Is it the RisuAI implementation, or the spec? I'm assuming the spec is based off of Risu, so I've been using that for testing.
(Edit: I checked and Risu won't load a png that uses