kweonwooj / papers

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SVCCA: Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis for Deep Learning Dynamics and Interpretability #55

Open kweonwooj opened 6 years ago

kweonwooj commented 6 years ago



Personal Thoughts

Link : Authors : Raghu et al. 2017

Ravi2712 commented 5 years ago


Hi Kweon Woo,

This paper "SVCCA: Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis for Deep Learning Dynamics and Interpretability" explains how we can compare two representations in a way that is both invariant to affine transform and fast to compute with combining SVD+CCA analysis methods. Paper explains nicely the steps involved for comparing two representation on page3 and in Appendix.


I'm not able to understand the first plotted figure(figure1 from paper) on toy regression data. In description, it is written that "x-axis" along over the dataset. But, what goes for "y-axis"? e.g in first plot it says "Neurons with highest activation", I tried to replicate. But, not able to plot similarly. My best guess was it's plotted one neuron with activation over the dataset.

Can you please explain what is "y-axis" in this figure1 for all plots? Thank you!!