kwhitley / itty-router

A little router.
MIT License
1.75k stars 78 forks source link

Tweaks on top of taralx PR... #49

Closed kwhitley closed 3 years ago

kwhitley commented 3 years ago

Notable Changes

Example of manual loading routes:

// EXAMPLE 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it('allows preloading advanced routes', async () => {
  const basicHandler = jest.fn(req => req.params)
  const customHandler = jest.fn(req => req.params)

  const router = Router({
                  routes: [
                    [ 'GET', /^\/test\.(?<x>[^/]+)\/*$/, [basicHandler] ],
                    [ 'GET', /^\/custom-(?<custom>\d{2,4})$/, [customHandler] ], // match 2 to 4 digits only

  await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/test.a.b' }))
  expect(basicHandler).toHaveReturnedWith({ x: 'a.b' })

  await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom-12345' }))
  expect(customHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() // custom route mismatch

  await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom-123' }))
  expect(customHandler).toHaveReturnedWith({ custom: '123' }) // custom route hit

// EXAMPLE 2 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it('allows loading advanced routes after config', async () => {
  const handler = jest.fn(req => req.params)

  const router = Router()

  // allows manual loading (after config)
  router.routes.push([ 'GET', /^\/custom2-(?<custom>\w\d{3})$/, [handler] ])

  await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom2-a456' }))
  expect(handler).toHaveReturnedWith({ custom: 'a456' }) // custom route hit

DISCUSSION: If we change r to routes, and prevent the prebuild.js from mangling it, the filesize does grow (405b --> 409b), but so does the legibility around this weird introspection. Thoughts? I'm all for absolute minimum filesize, but... legibility. Torn. Don't think we would have to count the decision on this one as a breaking change (if we opt for "routes"), because the existing pattern isn't documented, and is hopefully only used in debugging patterns at most. Regardless of the path chosen here, documentation will be added to disclose this functionality.

UPDATE: unless there's strong objection, I'm opting for readability over ultimate filesize... router.routes it is

Filesize Comparison (pretty sure this includes the type declaration, so appears artificially inflated a bit)

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kwhitley commented 3 years ago


taralx commented 3 years ago


taralx commented 3 years ago

:+1: still

kwhitley commented 3 years ago

Gonna document a bit and cut it loose (hopefully tonight). BTW, any idea how to cut the size bundlephobia sees? We're getting 479 bytes gzipped (not really relevant) and minified (definitely relevant)... but I get ~408 bytes testing locally.

taralx commented 3 years ago

What is bundlephobia?

kwhitley commented 3 years ago

Analyzes bundle size... basically the real cost of adding a module to your project.

taralx commented 3 years ago

I poked at bundlephobia, and they're using webpack to "build" the package. I suspect it's measuring some webpack overhead.