Hi Guys,
Since klustaviewa is not working for me anymore, I switched to phy. You normally get kwik file to Klustvieawa, then do manual spike sorting, then your output is saved to a clue file in the same directory. But For phy I don't see a clue file or even a cvs file.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could help urgently. Thank you :)
I copied part of phy.log
I am not sure if this is the problem?
/home/ozdas/Downloads/.phy/hybrid_10sec/main/0/new_cluster_id.json doesn't exist.
Hi Guys, Since klustaviewa is not working for me anymore, I switched to phy. You normally get kwik file to Klustvieawa, then do manual spike sorting, then your output is saved to a clue file in the same directory. But For phy I don't see a clue file or even a cvs file. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help urgently. Thank you :)
I copied part of phy.log I am not sure if this is the problem?
doesn't exist.2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] model:671 Enable waveform filter. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] model:467 Loading traces: hybrid_10sec.dat 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] model:1067 Kwik file
loaded. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] context:35 Create cache directory/home/ozdas/Downloads/.phy/hybrid_10sec/main/0
. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] context:56 Initialize joblib cache dir at/home/ozdas/Downloads/.phy/hybrid_10sec/main/0
. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] context:128 The file/home/ozdas/Downloads/.phy/hybrid_10sec/main/0/new_cluster_id.json
doesn't exist. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] config:46 Load config file/home/ozdas/.phy/phy_config.py
. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] gui:428 Load the GUI state from/home/ozdas/.phy/KwikGUI/state.json
. 2019-02-23 17:48:55 [D] utils:51 Get box size for 32 points. 2019-02-23 17:48:56 [D] gui:171 Load the geometry state. 2019-02-23 17:49:00 [D] gui_component:393 Select clusters: 6. 2019-02-23 17:49:01 [D] gui_component:393 Select clusters: 4. 2019-02-23 17:49:05 [D] gui_component:393 Select clusters: 4. 2019-02-23 17:49:07 [I] gui_component:219 Change metadata_group for clusters 4 to good. 2019-02-23 17:49:07 [D] gui_component:462 Get next_cluster for 4: None. 2019-02-23 17:49:07 [D] gui_component:393 Select clusters: 6.