kwindrem / GuiMods

VenusOS GUI enhancements and modifications
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Where to set generator current limit? #251

Closed janzwiegers closed 1 month ago

janzwiegers commented 1 month ago

I cannot see how to set the generator current limit like in the ExtrTransferSwitch?

kwindrem commented 1 month ago

The input current limits for grid and generator are stored the external transfer switch changes between sources. Setting the input current limit as well as other parameters: (grid vs shore, stop when AC available) is done using the normal controls:

set the external transfer switch to the grid position set the input current limit to the value for the grid and stop when AC available and input type (grid or shore).

set the external transfer switch to the generator position set the input current limit to the value for the generator

Operate the system normally and the current limit will change when the external transfer switches sources.

Lets say the grid current limit is 50 amps and the generator current limit is 12 amps.

When the transfer switch changes to generator, the current limit is set to 12 amps

When the transfer switch changes to grid the current limit is set to 50 amps.

Now the input current limit is changed to 30 amps while on grid.

Switching to generator will set the limit to 12, then switching back to grid will set the limit to 30.

janzwiegers commented 1 month ago

OK so if I understand this correctly the input current must be set when the external transfer switch is in that position?

Currently I can only see one specific place to set the current limit.

Thank you for the reply!

kwindrem commented 1 month ago

Yes, that is true. Only one location for setting the grid or generator AC input current limit.