kwindrem / RpiGpioSetup

VenusOs: 5 digital inputs, all pull-ups
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RpiGpioSetup issue with DS18b20 & CPU temperature #18

Open philip-s opened 1 year ago

philip-s commented 1 year ago

I've installed the Rikkert-RS package to get temperature of the CPU and additional DS18B20 temperature. Recently I was hoping to add relays to the system by installing RpiGpioSetup. RpiGpioSetup works fine with relays but unfortunately installing RpiGpioSetup makes a problem with reading of the temperatures: the additional DS18B20 disappears and the CPU temperature disconnects and connects every second (blinking devices on the list of devices). After uninstalling the RpiGpioSetup package temeratures from Rikkert-RS come back to normal operation.

kwindrem commented 1 year ago

There could be GPIO pin conflicts, although the stock I2C pins don't conflict with the ones used for digital inputs and relay outputs by default. However, the alternate set of GPIO pins provided with RpiGpioSetup does use both of the I2C pins.

The temperature coming and going is most likely due to a service crashing. Use dbus-spy to see which services are coming and going, then check the associated log file in /data/log.