kwindrem / SetupHelper

Helper functions to simplify writing setup scripts that modify VenusOs functionality. The package includes automatic reinstallation of the package after a VenusOs update.
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123SmartBMS-Venus appearing on Active Packages whitout verion N. #19

Closed GianFabris closed 1 year ago

GianFabris commented 1 year ago

Hello, My set-up is:

  1. I have updated the Multiplus firmware to the latest version 497
  2. I have updated the firmware of the GX unit to v2.87
  3. I downloaded venus-data.tgc and copied to USB memory memory stick
  4. Boot the system with memory stick
  5. Reboot the system from GUI
  6. Removed the memory stick while rebooting

What is appearing on Package manager under "Active packages" is a line 123SmartBMS-Venus without indication of any stored or installed version. Is that correct?

From this point how should I detect if 123 BMS is working?

GianFabris commented 1 year ago

Active packages

kwindrem commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what is going on here. Lack of stored version suggests the package directory does not have a version file. That directory would be /data/123SmartBMS-Venus. You may need to reboot twice to get the BMS package to install.

SetupHelper and PackgeManager include log files that you can download to a memory stick with the settings backup mechanism.

123 electric is providing SetupHelper in their blind install archive so I'd check with them to see what they are providing and why their blind install might not be working.

AlbertronicDev commented 1 year ago


Where did you download the venus-data.tar.gz? The latest version can be found here:

Please put it on a USB, reboot twice and check again. If none works, please let us know.

GianFabris commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for your reply. I downloaded the venus-data.tar.gz from here I will try download the file from your link and let you know. Thank you for support.

Gianluca Fabris

Il giorno 13 lug 2022, alle ore 18:27, Sebastiaan Adamo @.***> ha scritto:


Where did you download the venus-data.tar.gz? The latest version can be found here:

Please put it on a USB, reboot twice and check again. If none works, please let us know.

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kwindrem commented 1 year ago does not include the 123SmartBMS package. So there was nothing to install besides SetupHelper itself.

The one line on the 123 site DOES have the BMS package in addition to SetupHelper so that's the one you want.

With SetupHelper installed and your GX device connected to the internet, you could also use PackageManager (menus at the bottom of the Settings menu) to download the 123SmartBMS package. But I think the blind install provided by 123electric (not the one in SetupHelper) is fewer steps.

GianFabris commented 1 year ago



Hi, Installing the venus-data.tar.gz provided by 123electric , i can see now the BMS parameters. Can you coinfirm that the version 1.3 provide also control not only displayng? Thank you foir your support


AlbertronicDev commented 1 year ago

Hi Gianluca,

v1.3 also can control the Victron system. Do not forget to enable DVCC and configure the Multiplus to listen to this. See "How to control a Victron with GX" at

GianFabris commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the support