kwindrem / SetupHelper

Helper functions to simplify writing setup scripts that modify VenusOs functionality. The package includes automatic reinstallation of the package after a VenusOs update.
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Package "automatically" removed and unable to get it back #60

Open XeroX6969 opened 5 months ago

XeroX6969 commented 5 months ago

Hello, First of all; a big THANKS for the great job you share with all of us ! I have installed the last update to get access to package manager and everything went OK. Today the package is gone and I'm back to original victron's screen without any action on my side. And I'm unable to to get the package reinstalled, it always show the original panel without any error message. any suggestion? Thanks in advance

kwindrem commented 5 months ago

I have no idea what would have caused this. Packages should reinstall after a firmware update so that doesn't explain your issue.

What exactly is disappearing? You are in the SetupHelper area and the only items you'd see from this package would the the PackageManager menus. Is it maybe GuiMods enhancements like the enhanced flow page that are disappearing?

If you can get to logs they might shed some light on the issue:


would probably be the most informative.

XeroX6969 commented 5 months ago

Thanks to take some time to answer. This morning, I had access to the packagemanager, tried to manually reinstall mods from there, but still no mods displayed after restart. Then I tried from another USB key and mods were back :o)