kwindrem / VeCanSetup

Manages Victrion VenusOs VeCan (aka CANbus) ports
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RS485 and CAN Interface on Wafeshare Hat ? #11

Open claib opened 1 year ago

claib commented 1 year ago

hi there can i use both interfaces ?

kwindrem commented 1 year ago

VeCanSetup does not address the R485 configuration so you'd need to do this manually. Another user had similar questions regarding the PiCan-M interface. Not sure what he eventually ended up with:

Looking at the schematic, the RS485 portion uses the PI's uart pins and should not conflict with the CANbus portion of the hat. This may conflict with the Venus OS use of the uart for it's console so this may need to be disabled. A note in the wiki for this product also mentions the RPI uses it's uart for bluetooth which could also create conflicts in Venus OS.

I'm not sure how the RS-485 connections are made. Is it possible they use the same connector as CANbus? If so they could not be used at the same time.

Sadly, the wiki doesn't contain much information regarding the RS-485 part of this module.

There is also a discussion here that may be a help:

If this ever gets resolved so that the RS485 portion works, I can probably add the necessary configuration and templates to VeCanSetup but can't do this without the help of others that actually have one of these boards

herrfrei commented 1 year ago

If you are talking about this device, you might check out my new package: