Before you open an issue, you should search for similar issues.
Especially for issues that deal with starting the docker-registry-frontend we have seen a tremendous amount
of issues and most of the time a reference to the example-setup
folder was enough for the issue reporter to solve the issue on her own.
Please, make sure to provide all the information asked for below and then delete everything above Expected behavior including this line.
Expected behavior
[x] Please describe what you tried to do and what you expect the software to act like.
I want to delete a repository or a tag with the button "Delete Repository" or "Delete tag". Those buttons should be present like specified in the wiki but they are not.
Actual behavior
[x] Please describe what happened instead of the expected behavior.
1) "Select repositories to delete" button, "Delete repository" button and "Delete tag" button are not present. They just disappear when I load concerned page.
Steps to reproduce the problem
[x] Please describe how a developer can reproduce the issue that you faced.
Make sure you include information how you configured or started the registry and the frontend.
1) I load the page with the repository list
2) "Delete repository" button disappears.
1) I click on a repository link
2) "Delete tag" button disappears.
I launched the registry with docker and he is binded on the port 5000.
I binded the registry-fronted with the env ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST and ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT. Bind between this two is working because I can see the list of my docker images present in my registry.
[x] Which version of docker (docker version) are you running? 1.12.1
[x] Which operating system do you use? Centos 7
[x] Which version of the docker-registry-frontend are you running? This is git revision: 3ad864b
Before you open an issue, you should search for similar issues. Especially for issues that deal with starting the docker-registry-frontend we have seen a tremendous amount of issues and most of the time a reference to the example-setup folder was enough for the issue reporter to solve the issue on her own.
Please, make sure to provide all the information asked for below and then delete everything above Expected behavior including this line.
Expected behavior
I want to delete a repository or a tag with the button "Delete Repository" or "Delete tag". Those buttons should be present like specified in the wiki but they are not.
Actual behavior
1) "Select repositories to delete" button, "Delete repository" button and "Delete tag" button are not present. They just disappear when I load concerned page.
Steps to reproduce the problem
1) I load the page with the repository list 2) "Delete repository" button disappears.
1) I click on a repository link 2) "Delete tag" button disappears.
I launched the registry with docker and he is binded on the port 5000. I binded the registry-fronted with the env ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST and ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT. Bind between this two is working because I can see the list of my docker images present in my registry.
docker version
) are you running? 1.12.1Thanks for your answer