kwohlfahrt / ebuilds

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Improved ebuilds #1

Open sjnewbury opened 7 years ago

sjnewbury commented 7 years ago

Hi Kai, Some time ago I borrowed some of your ebuilds for my gentoo-gpu overlay. Since then they've diverged somewhat, perhaps you'd like to merge my changes or combine efforts?

kwohlfahrt commented 7 years ago

Yeah, that sounds like a plan. What is the overlap? So far I have:

sjnewbury commented 7 years ago

On Fri, 2016-10-07 at 05:02 -0700, Kai wrote:

Yeah, that sounds like a plan. What is the overlap? So far I have: opencl-icd beignet glslang SPIRV-Tools vulkan-loader — I have all those, and all multilib where applicable.

dev-libs/.. beignet libclc ocl-icd

dev-util/.. SPIRV-Tools clinfo glslang intel-ocl-runtime nvidia-cuda-sdk nvidia-cuda-toolkit

media-gfx/.. (a live gimp ebuild - which I should move to gentoo-playground)

media-libs/.. libglvnd (libmypaint - needed by the live gimp ebuild) mesa vulkan-loader

media-video/.. ffmpeg (for OpenCL support)

sys-devel/.. llvm (need to drop this one since portage version is okay now AFAIK)

x11-drivers/.. nvidia-drivers (with system glvnd support)

x11-libs/.. libdrm libva-vdpau-driver (This needs dropping since I have a version in gentoo-playground which I'm attempting to fix to work with Chromium/VAAPI)

kwohlfahrt commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I meant what the overlap is, so I can have a look at what the differences are between our versions.

sjnewbury commented 7 years ago

On Fri, 2016-10-07 at 07:39 -0700, Kai wrote:

Sorry, I meant what the overlap is, so I can have a look at what the differences are between our versions. —   Right, got you.  I'll add your repo as a git remote and run git diff...

sjnewbury commented 7 years ago

On Fri, 2016-10-07 at 07:39 -0700, Kai wrote:

Sorry, I meant what the overlap is, so I can have a look at what the differences are between our versions.    git diff --diff-filter=M kwohlfahrt/master

sjnewbury commented 7 years ago
