Closed electronicYH closed 6 years ago
I have fix it , the point is placeholder, it has to set H and W not instead of None
hi electronicYH.
I tried to video predict using your code, but i failed.
I got this error.
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder' with dtype float and shape [480,360,3] [[Node: Placeholder = Placeholder[dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[480,360,3], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"]()]] [[Node: Placeholder/_2837 = _Recv[client_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_4_Placeholder", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]()]]
I have no idea why i got this error..
Do you have a idea??
Help me plz..
I modefied the code to predict the video frame, but there are problems, please help me , Thanks ! here is the error: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ python /home/yh/.conda/envs/yh/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from
File "/home/yh/Work/TensorFlow-ENet/", line 464, in ENet
pooling_indices=pooling_indices_2, output_shape=inputs_shape_2, scope=bottleneck_scope_name+'_0')
File "/home/yh/.conda/envs/yh/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/framework/python/ops/", line 183, in func_with_args
return func(*args, *current_args)
File "/home/yh/Work/TensorFlow-ENet/", line 321, in bottleneck
net_unpool = unpool(net_unpool, pooling_indices, output_shape=output_shape, scope='unpool')
File "/home/yh/Work/TensorFlow-ENet/", line 101, in unpool
y = mask // (output_shape[2] output_shape[3])
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'int'
is deprecated. In future, it will be treated asnp.float64 == np.dtype(float).type
. from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 122, inhere is my modefied code:
import tensorflow as tf import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from enet import ENet, ENet_arg_scope from preprocessing import preprocess from scipy.misc import imsave import numpy as np import cv2 import time
slim = tf.contrib.slim
W = 500 H = 400
batch_size = 1 num_classes = 2
path = '/home/yh/data/dataset/zhijia/' filename = 'day.avi' #'20170920_124050_872.avi' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path+filename)
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G') #opencv3.0
checkpoint_dir = "./checkpoint_mfb" checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)
num_initial_blocks = 1 skip_connections = False stage_two_repeat = 2 '''
Labels to colours are obtained from here:
However, the road_marking class is collapsed into the road class in the dataset provided.
Sky = [128,128,128] Building = [128,0,0] Pole = [192,192,128] Road_marking = [255,69,0] Road = [128,64,128] Pavement = [60,40,222] Tree = [128,128,0] SignSymbol = [192,128,128] Fence = [64,64,128] Car = [64,0,128] Pedestrian = [64,64,0] Bicyclist = [0,128,192] Unlabelled = [0,0,0] ''' label_to_colours = {0: [0,0,0], 1: [0,128,0], 2: [192,192,128], 3: [128,64,128], 4: [60,40,222], 5: [128,128,0], 6: [192,128,128], 7: [64,64,128], 8: [64,0,128], 9: [64,64,0], 10: [0,128,192], 11: [128,128,128]}
Create the photo directory
photo_dir = checkpoint_dir + "/test_images" if not os.path.exists(photo_dir): os.mkdir(photo_dir)
def vis_segmentation(image, seg_map): """Visualizes input image, segmentation map and overlay view."""
Create a function to convert each pixel label to colour.
def grayscale_to_colour(image): print('Converting image...') image = image.reshape((H, W, 1)) image = np.repeat(image, 3, axis=-1) for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): label = int(image[i][j][0]) image[i][j] = np.array(label_to_colours[label])
def model_run(image):
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()