kwrooijen / gungnir

A fully featured, data-driven database library for Clojure.
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Spec violation when using local malli registries #16

Closed Ramblurr closed 4 years ago

Ramblurr commented 4 years ago

The goal is to separate out the actual data specs, so I can re-use them in places where gungnir isn't involved. The attached example works, until you enable instrumentation.. then there is a spec violation. But it does seem to work as intended with spec disabled. You can also trigger a spec error from gungnir earlier by replacing the (m/spec User) with User on line 13. gungnir doesn't seem to like the referenced schema.

(def UserRegistry {:users/id uuid?
                   :users/email [:re {:error/message "Invalid email"} #".+@.+\..+"]
                   :users/created-at  inst?
                   :users/updated-at  inst?})

(def User [:map {:registry UserRegistry}
           [:users/id {:auto true :primary-key true}]
           [:users/created-at {:auto true}]
           [:users/updated-at {:auto true}]])

  {:users (m/schema User)}) ;; <-- remove m/schema wrap to see spec error earlier

(def data {:users/name       "Tester"
           :users/email      ""
           :users/id         (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
           :users/created-at (j/instant)
           :users/updated-at (j/instant)})
(m/validate User data)                  ; => true

(q/save! (changeset data)) ;; this blows up ONLY when instrumentation is enabled, otherwise it works as intended

;; the spec error
Execution error - invalid arguments to gungnir.util.malli/child-properties at (field.cljc:33).

-- Spec failed --------------------

Function arguments


should satisfy



should have additional elements. The next element ":key" should satisfy


-- Relevant specs -------

    (clojure.spec.alpha/nilable clojure.core/map?)

Detected 1 error
Ramblurr commented 4 years ago

From slack

@kwrooijen 16:41 That's a bug it seems What's interesting though is that child-properties is getting a nil as argument. That shouldn't happen The problem is most likely here:

(defn child
  "Get the child `k` from `?model`. Returns `nil` if not found."
  [?model k]
  (->> (?model->model ?model)
       (reduce (fn [_ child] (when (#{k} (first child))
                               (reduced child)))

It expects fields to be of the form [key ?props spec] But since you're giving a keyword, it doesn't know how to handle it Maybe Malli has a function to actually do this for me, instead of using reduce by hand Also I think Gungnir needs to handle Model registries

kwrooijen commented 4 years ago

Note that this is an issue with the latest version of Malli (Since SNAPSHOT doesn't have the qualified keyword child feature yet

If this is to be fixed Gungnir will have to lock Malli to a specific commit instead of SNAPSHOT (Which isn't a bad idea at all).

Ramblurr commented 4 years ago

I think that's a good idea. I am indeed using malli master branch in my gungir project. I propose we lock to the latest malli commit, document that, and then periodically update it until a stable malli release happens.

I use the plugin to achieve this. I suppose it will work with libraries like gungnir too.

kwrooijen commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look at the options for git dependencies in libraries. In the past I used lein-git-down for (private) git dependencies and I had to manually add them to the top level project. That isn't really desired behavior but probably that's fixable.