kwsch / PKHeX.Mobile

Pokémon save editor for Android and iOS!
699 stars 354 forks source link

A simpler version with only a button to select where to export the Pokemon and an option to scan a QR code #36

Open zurgeg opened 2 years ago

zurgeg commented 2 years ago

Let's face it. Mobile UI is hard. It'd be a lot easier to build a simpler UI with 2 buttons. One to select where/what save you are exporting the Pokemon to, and another to scan a QR.

eco9898 commented 2 years ago

Essentially, you want to remove the placeholder buttons in the side menu which you can just ignore? Do remember this is a proof of concept application and is not a full release software. It is meant to show what can be done and needs further work, if enough people are interested in its development.

rijnhard commented 2 years ago

You should probability state in the readme that it's a POC, and for the record VERY interested in this working