kwsch / PKHeX.Mobile

Pokémon save editor for Android and iOS!
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"Failing" to load save (no response after selcting the save file) #53

Closed Frescone closed 1 year ago

Frescone commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone! First, thank you to the devs for all the work they put into the project.

I am having a bit of an issue using the app. I am using it on a retroidpocket 2+ (android 9)! The first time I used it worked without problems, but after that, the app "failed" to load the save... I say it fails, but I am not even sure of that since it does not give me any response. It does not freeze or anything. It just let me select the file, normally as if it was working, but then nothing happens. The app is enabled to access any file and the camera.

I also noticed that I cannot close it in the android cache and that I have to 'force close' it through the app info tab. Any idea or help?

Sorry if I cannot be clearer than this. I am not very familiar with either PkHex or Android. Thank you for reading!

kwsch commented 1 year ago

The app targets Android 11, not Android 9.

When a new save file is opened successfully, it is shown in the list, and the "Open" button is set to be visible.

When you pick a save file, it does have some silent returns if it fails to get a file (ex: didn't select a file, or the save file is not valid:

Up to you to identify where it is failing and why; this is a proof of concept app that I do not provide active support for.