kwsch / PKHeX

Pokémon Save File Editor
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Generation 4 Encounter Type legality checks #1095

Closed PrometheusG closed 7 years ago

PrometheusG commented 7 years ago

Hi again, Testing PKHeX Build 2928:

I discovered some "Encounter Type does not match encounter" errors in my Pearl Game Most of them have Encounter Type "Wild Encounter Swarm" and some are Stark Mountain Encounters, Maniac Tunnel, Mt. Coronet, Valley Windworks Drifloon(every Friday outside) etc.

These are the pk4 files from Pearl (containing and some pokemon from Platinum): Pearl pk4

Platinum Save Extra: I am also sending all the fossil pokemon from Platinum that show the invalid error: "Unable to match an encounter from origin game" when the encounter type is (correctly) set as "Starter/Fossil/Gift (Pt/DP Trio)". I found out that changing the encounter type to "Starter/Fossil/Gift (DP) makes them legal again when that should not happen in my opinion. (I have leveled them up with rare candies to lvl 40, that is why they have 0 EV)

These are the pk4 fossil pokemon from platinum: Platinum pk4

Thank you

PrometheusG commented 7 years ago

Hi again,

Just a small update using PKHeX build 2947 I know that you are working on Mt. Coronet and Stark Mountain Encounters ( I read what you wrote on 1096 pull request), I just added some Great Marsh encounters I found that have encounter type as Surfing/Fishing.

Overall, the new pokemon are the ones from Great Marsh and the extreme speed Dratini from Dragon's Den which was given as a gift from the Elder, (I think TheSLAYER already posted about this on projectpokemon)

On Pearl gen 4 sav file: Is just Numel and Abomasnow that you already have them downloaded from the Pearl pk4 I uploaded above

On Platinum gen 4 sav file:

These are 5 new, just take a look at the Great Marsh pokemon files

Skarmory: "Encounter type does not match encounter" - From Stark Mountain, Tall Grass Sharpedo(caught as carvanha and evolved it): "Encounter type does not match encounter" - From Great Marsh, Surfing/Fishing Barboach: "Encounter type does not match encounter" - From Great Marsh, Surfing/Fishing Whiscash: "Encounter type does not match encounter" - From Great Marsh, Surfing/Fishing Snover: "Encounter type does not match encounter" - From Mt. Coronet, Tall Grass (same encounter type as Abomasnow from pearl)

On HeartGold gen 4 sav file:

Dratini: "Invalid Move 1:Invalid Move", "Encounter type does not match encounter" - Dragon's Den, Starter/Fossil/Gift (Pt/DP Trio)

Take your time, I didn't upload them to stress you,just to help. I know you are already working on Encounter Type legality on some locations. Please tell me if there is anything I can do to help make the legality perfect in generations 3-7, as I almost have all cartridges(I am just missing Diamond and Black cartridges)

Thank you

P.S. I mistakenly referenced 1096 so please remove the reference from the pull request if it is annoying, when you have time :-/

PrometheusG commented 7 years ago

Another update, this time using PKHeX build 2987: Pearl= OK Platinum= OK HeartGold= OK

This update is relevant to pk4 files poke-transfered pokemon from gen 4 to gen 5: Gen 4 poketransfered to


HeartGold Pokemon Rattata: "Encounter type does not match encounter", from HeartGold, encounter tall grass Nidoqueen: >> >> Nidoking: >> >> Magneton: >> >>

Platinum Pokemon Abra (Kazza, in-game trade from Platinum): "Internal Error" Gengar (Gaspar, in-game trade from Platinum): "Internal Error" Chatot (Charap, in-game trade from Platinum): "Internal Error"

Forgive me if it is user-error and thank you for fixing the previous ones

PrometheusG commented 7 years ago

Testing PKHeX Build 3015:

I think I found out the problem with the 4 HeartGold Pokemon transfered to White from the above post:

It shows the error :"Encounter type does not match encounter" only with a Poke Ball.

Changing the Ball to any other legal Ball (for example great ball or dusk ball) it automatically changes the static encounter to wild encounter grass thus removing the error, making them legal again

Note: I did not change the encounter tab(which is showing Tall Grass before and after the Ball edit), I only changed the pokeball to test it

I am uploading only the same 4 HG Pokemon from above (rattata,nidoqueen,nidoking,magneton) : HG poketransfered

Thank you, I hope I helped