kwsch / PKHeX

Pokémon Save File Editor
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Set hatch count for batch editor? #699

Closed exegg closed 7 years ago

exegg commented 7 years ago

Hi. I was wondering if such option exists. I looked into the batch editor and could finally find a way to hatch a box of Pokemon, using this

=Box=1 .IsEgg=false .IsNicknamed=false .Nickname=Lapras .Met_Location=78 .MetDate=20170105 .OT_Friendship=70

This sets the values just like a legit hatch. However it is inconvenient when I have a box with mixed species since it would unify the nicknames and base friendship, unless there's a function that uses the default values for the species and I'm missing it.

I'd rather have a simple function to drop the hatch counter to 1 in all eggs and I do my hatching quickly in the game.

ricksee commented 7 years ago

I would love to see a counter for eggs to see how many steps remain until it hatches.

exegg commented 7 years ago

@ricksee well, there's the hatch counter. Each value can be multiplied for 256 (I think that's the value, it has changed over Gens) and that's the approximate amount of steps remaining for hatching.

Example: Hatch Counter = 20 20 * 256 = 5,120 steps

ricksee commented 7 years ago

@exegg Hmmm at least can the program display it as steps?

kwsch commented 7 years ago

The OT friendship field is reused by the game for the hatch cycle counter.

To pre-hatch all eggs in the PC down to 1 hatch cycle:
