kwsch / pkNX

Pokémon (Nintendo Switch) ROM Editor & Randomizer
GNU General Public License v3.0
339 stars 106 forks source link

SV Dump 'Text Files' error / folders are empty #324

Closed SuperPxL8 closed 1 year ago

SuperPxL8 commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks for creating pkNX, currently I am content with the read only/export functionality for Scarlet and Violet, however when trying to export the Text Files I am running into this odd error and I was hoping it could be clarified what is going on. I'm using a Violet romfs with update 1.20 and Violet romfs with update 1.10 in order to compare differences, but the error also occurred with Scarlet 1.00 and Violet 1.00

When trying to dump the Text Files it reports me that the folders '..\Dump\archive\extracted\arc' does not exist. See screenshot err001 I have tried placing the romfs in the root of my C: drive to see if I was making a rookie mistake, but it kept occurring.

When I close pkNX and I create the missing folder 'extracted\arc' manually and try again, then it creates the files and folders in ..\Dump\text\ but all the language folders contain empty text files. err002

All other options Personal Stats, Raids, Trainers, Encounters, Moves and Cooking works fine in either romfs 1.10 or 1.20. So I thought it might be a permissions error and attempted to run pkNX as administrator, but the windows default ding sound can be heard whenever I press the button. The same sound when the other options have run successfully.

I was hoping for help in resolving this issue?

kwsch commented 1 year ago

Dump the archives first.

SuperPxL8 commented 1 year ago

I'm embarrassed with how stupidly easy this was to resolve. My apologies for wasting your time I appreciate your quick response.