kwsch / pkNX

Pokémon (Nintendo Switch) ROM Editor & Randomizer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pknx doesn't save Pokémon edits #377

Open Mrgamer2240 opened 1 week ago

Mrgamer2240 commented 1 week ago

I tried editing Pokémon types and was successful once but never again after that, I closed Pknx before copying the edited files to the SD card.

kwsch commented 1 week ago

Are the changes still there in the pkNX user interface if you reopen it? Be sure you hit save rather than exit out of the window.

Mrgamer2240 commented 5 days ago

Yep changes are there double checked, but the type nor stat changes appear in game I saved my edited files to my game file then put it on my SD card again, I saved this time but it's still inactive in game I checked my Pknx Pokémon option and it's all there but it never works in game.

kwsch commented 5 days ago

If pkNX remembers the changes, then the issue isn't with the program, it's with the way you're trying to get your console to use the edited files. If it is not using them, well, double check how Atmosphere needs layeredfs set up.

Mrgamer2240 commented 5 days ago

Everything is set up correctly, but maybe not the file placement of the edited files I put those in this order, Atmosphere/Contents/01008DB008C2C000/RomFS/bin/pml/evolution. Is there an error I did somewhere? This was working perfectly fine a few weeks ago.

kwsch commented 5 days ago

pkNX will output the edited files to the title ID folder for simple copy/paste.

Pretty sure you have it right, atmosphere/contents/. Try with other files as well. Not sure what edits you did, they might not even "work" or be complete?

Mrgamer2240 commented 3 days ago

The edits were stats, types Evo, learnsets, etc. I know not of any other method for putting file on my switch other than using "USB File Transfer" or taking out the SD card and inserting it into the pc. The only file this works for is evo_818/Inteleon.