kwubbenhorst / helpful-stranger

A platform where seniors can offer pet services in exchange for daily-living help by pet owners. This full-stack app features a RESTful API built with Node.js and EXpress.js, Handlebars.js used as the template engine, MySQL and Sequelize ORM used to interact with the database, and npm's nodemailer package to email users. It's deployed with Heroku.
MIT License
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Backend focus: Configure the backend server (server.js) to handle routes from the controllers (controllers/). #1

Open kwubbenhorst opened 9 months ago

kwubbenhorst commented 9 months ago

Developer 1: Work primarily with the server.js and passport.js files and files in the controllers/ folder. Work primarily with Node.js and Express.js technologies. Collaborate with Developer 3 to integrate Passport.js (passport.js) for user authentication.

Developer 1 and 3 are working together to implement user authentication using Passport.js, express-session, and cookies. This is an essential part of the MVP for securing user profiles and transactions. It's a fundamental feature for user access and state maintenance.

kwubbenhorst commented 9 months ago

Work completed to date on backend development:

Configured the LocalStrategy for authenticating users. Used bcrypt to securely compare passwords. Wrapped the Passport setup in a function to make it more modular.

Integration in server.js: Integrated Passport.js for user authentication. Initialized session configuration. Connected to the database and defined routes.

Routes and Controllers: Implemented routes for user-related functionalities.

Partial implementation of API endpoints for user-related routes. Files I created and worked on: server.js, passport.js, files in controllers folder, files in utils folder.

Backend still needs models and associations defined, but this is the work of Developer 2 I am moving this issue over to testing/review column on the project board.