kwubbenhorst / helpful-stranger

A platform where seniors can offer pet services in exchange for daily-living help by pet owners. This full-stack app features a RESTful API built with Node.js and EXpress.js, Handlebars.js used as the template engine, MySQL and Sequelize ORM used to interact with the database, and npm's nodemailer package to email users. It's deployed with Heroku.
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Presentation: Create a powerpoint presentation which explains the vision for the project and demos its features #19

Open kwubbenhorst opened 9 months ago

kwubbenhorst commented 9 months ago

Yet to be assigned: Think of this role as the promoter of the app. Presentation should be up to 20 minutes in total length and should include an elevator pitch (a one minute description of the application), a review of the concept (user story and motivation for development) and process (technologies used, how work was broken down, challenges and successes). It should also include a demo of the app, and some thoughts about future development. Must include links to the deployed application and the GitHub repository.