kwubbenhorst / kitchen-elevation

A web app where foodies and home cooks can recreate restaurant dishes at home by searching for inspiration on restaurant menus and finding recipes by dish name
MIT License
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Overseeing final UI considerations and ensuring responsive design of all pages #20

Open kwubbenhorst opened 10 months ago

kwubbenhorst commented 10 months ago

USER STORY: As a user I want the application to work well and look good on all kinds of devices.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: -- It is done when the application's appearance and behaviour at various screen widths is tested using Chrome Dev Tools' inspector responsive toggler. -- It is done when any necessary media queries or adjustments to the layout or CSS stylesheet are added (most of the application is coded using Bootstrap grid for layout, which should look after a large part of the responsivity challenge, but p. 1 html should probably be redone in flex rows and absolute positioning which is used to overlay elements, should be used with care since it can cause elements to move offscreen (what does a user do if the button they need is offscreen?). -- It is done when the height of the background image on p.2 is adjusted so that some of the list group items are visible for a screen in landscape mode. The list group results are the main point of p. 2. The input group can still stay above them, overlaying the image but the user should get the idea that they are to browse the menu items in the list THEN make use of the input box. -- It is done when the image in the left column on p. 3/4 is contained so that it does not expand (zoom in) as the accordion is expanded in the right hand column. -- As an additional consideration it might be nice to style the buttons with background colours other than the bootstrap ones. Those colours can immediate scream "this application was made with bootstrap!" -- custom colours matching those in the application's images may be better. -- It is done when the css stylesheet is completely reviewed and the rule objects placed in more sensible order, commented etc.

AllanYuen commented 10 months ago