kwubbenhorst / kitchen-elevation

A web app where foodies and home cooks can recreate restaurant dishes at home by searching for inspiration on restaurant menus and finding recipes by dish name
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Dividing up the presentation #26

Closed kwubbenhorst closed 10 months ago

kwubbenhorst commented 10 months ago

USER STORY: As a user I am interested in hearing the developers pitch the reason they thought the app would be useful, explain the various decisions they made in development, hear plans for further iterations and generally have my input in keeping with the model of agile software development.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: -- It is done when a project presentation is developed in which all collaborators have some speaking opportunity. -- It is done when a project presentation slideshow is made following this presentation template:

  1. Slide show with project title
  2. Elevator Pitch
  3. Concept (description, motivation for development, user story)
  4. Process (technologies used, breakdown of tasks and roles, challenges, successes)
  5. Demo
  6. Directions for Future Development
  7. Links (deployed application, github repo) (The template is from Mark Alifano, an EdX Bootcamp assistant instructor)
AllanYuen commented 10 months ago