kwurst / GitKit-WSU-CS-training

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Alsallami fix#35 #43

Closed NadaAlsallami closed 1 month ago

NadaAlsallami commented 1 month ago

Fixed #35 by NadaAlsallami

Fixes #123

I have fixed the typo in the file, the word initialization was written wrong. Closes #123

Licensing Certification

FarmData2 is a Free Cultural Work and all accepted contributions are licensed as described in the file. This requires that the contributor holds the rights to do so. By submitting this pull request I certify that I satisfy the terms of the Developer Certificate of Origin for its contents.

kwurst commented 1 month ago

@NadaAlsallami You should not close the pull request yourself. That does not merge your change into the main branch. Only the maintainer (me) should close the pull request. That happens after I merge it. I am re-opening your pull request, so that I can review it and merge it if it is OK.

kwurst commented 1 month ago

@NadaAlsallami Thank you for your change. Please make the following corrections, then commit and push again to add them to this pull request.

  1. Please remove the Fixes #123 and Closes #123 from the pull request description. That is not the correct issue number.
  2. Add Fixes #35 or Closes #35 to the description.
  3. You added blank spaces to the end of line 1. Please remove them. Look at the Files Changed tab to see what I mean.

Please let me know when you have pushed these changes so I can review and merge them. You can notify me with @kwurst.