kxr / ocp4_setup_upi_kvm

Script to Setup an OpenShift 4 UPI Cluster on KVM. Based on this guide: https://kxr.me/2019/08/17/openshift-4-upi-install-libvirt-kvm/
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have option to create the VMs with autostart-on-boot #8

Closed jmazzitelli closed 4 years ago

jmazzitelli commented 4 years ago

I created a cluster using ocp4_setup_upi_kvm.sh and it worked great. I shutdown my bare metal server where the cluster was installed and then restarted it. The VMs did not auto start (they remained in the "shutdown" state). I had to manually restart them. But once I did, all worked well.

It would be nice to have the ocp4_setup_upi_kvm.sh.sh script provide an option to set the VMs to auto-start when the host system boots up.

jmazzitelli commented 4 years ago

Here's a script I quickly wrote that lets me set and unset the autostart flag on my VMs... use this code (or not) in any shape or form you need:


err() {
    echo; echo;
    echo -e "\e[97m\e[101m[ERROR]\e[0m ${1}"; shift; echo;
    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do echo "    $1"; shift; done
    echo; exit 1;

# Checking if we are root
test "$(whoami)" = "root" || err "Not running as root"

case $1 in
    # get all VMs that are not currently configured with autostart
    vms_to_configure="$(virsh list --all --name --no-autostart)"
    echo "Will configure VMs to autostart at boot time"
    # get all VMs that are currently configured with autostart
    # and set the disable option so we pass it in when virsh autostart is executed
    vms_to_configure="$(virsh list --all --name --autostart)"
    echo "Will configure VMs to NOT autostart at boot time"
    err "Pass in either 'yes' (if you want the VMs autostarted at boot time) or 'no'"

for vm in ${vms_to_configure}
  echo "Configuring VM: ${vm}"
  virsh autostart ${disable_opt} ${vm} || err "Failed to configure VM: ${vm}"

The important part is the virsh autostart [--disable] command.

kxr commented 4 years ago

--autostart-vms added in the script (be3a869) and the instructions to change it manually added to README (215ad47)