kyamagu / mexopencv

Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
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error while installing mexopencv #402

Closed pankti143 closed 6 years ago

pankti143 commented 6 years ago
MEX completed successfully.
mex -O -largeArrayDims   -I'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\include' -I'C:\Users\Dhruv\Downloads\opencv-3.3.0\build\install\include' -L'C:\Users\Dhruv\Downloads\opencv-3.3.0\build\install\x64\vc15\lib'  -lopencv_world330  'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\src\+cv\perspectiveTransform.cpp' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\MxArray.obj' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\mexopencv_features2d.obj' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\mexopencv_ml.obj' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\mexopencv_shape.obj' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\mexopencv_stitching.obj' 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\lib\mexopencv_videostab.obj' -output 'C:\Users\Dhruv\Documents\mexopencv-3.3.0\+cv\perspectiveTransform'
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017'.
Error using mex
The command 'cl' exited with a return value '5'
Error in mexopencv.make (line 139)
            if ~opts.dryrun, eval(cmd); end 
pankti143 commented 6 years ago

Can you Please help with the error

amroamroamro commented 6 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, error code 5 means ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED or "Access is denied".

I would check the permissions on the mexopencv folder you're working in (compiler obviously needs write permission to create the mex-files)..

Perhaps you can turn on verbose output mex -v ..., or if you're using mexopencv.make then call: mexopencv.make(.., 'verbose',2)

pankti143 commented 6 years ago

Thank You i am able to install.