kyamagu / mexopencv

Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
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Wrong number of arguments when running cv.getBuildInformation() #441

Closed rehammaburas closed 5 years ago

rehammaburas commented 5 years ago

Hi, I installed OpenCV 3.4.1 on Windows 10. I have Matlab R2018a and compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ 2017.

I am getting an error when I run cv.getBuildInformation() as "Error using getBuildInformation Wrong number of arguments ". I tried to rename the dll files for Opencv in 'Matlab/R2018a/bin' but none of this helped.

Could you advise me for this issue? Thanks.

amroamroamro commented 5 years ago

That's strange, as the error message indicates, it means you're calling the function with the wrong of number of arguments.

The function takes no input and returns zero or one output. Are you calling it correctly?

>> cv.getBuildInformation()

Try running another function and see if it works:

>> im = cv.blur(rand(300));
>> imshow(im)
amroamroamro commented 5 years ago

If the problem persists, I would ask for a few more details to troubleshoot:

rehammaburas commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply.


>> ver vision
MATLAB Version: (R2018a)
MATLAB License Number: 
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Education Version 10.0 (Build 17713)
Java Version: Java 1.8.0_144-b01 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode

Computer Vision System Toolbox                        Version 8.1         (R2018a)
>> !dir "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\bin\win64\opencv*.dll"
 Volume in drive C is Windows 
 Volume Serial Number is 96FC-E9AA 

 Directory of C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\bin\win64 

02/06/2018  01:10 AM         1,851,392 opencv_calib3d310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM        11,945,472 opencv_core310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM        27,565,056 opencv_cudaarithm310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           506,880 opencv_cudabgsegm310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         4,723,712 opencv_cudafeatures2d310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM        42,165,760 opencv_cudafilters310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         6,469,120 opencv_cudaimgproc310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         2,489,856 opencv_cudalegacy310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           527,872 opencv_cudaobjdetect310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           905,216 opencv_cudaoptflow310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         2,501,632 opencv_cudastereo310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         7,963,136 opencv_cudawarping310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM            10,752 opencv_cudev310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           688,640 opencv_features2d310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           466,944 opencv_flann310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM        24,753,152 opencv_imgproc310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           671,744 opencv_ml310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           495,104 opencv_objdetect310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM         1,251,840 opencv_photo310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           280,576 opencv_shape310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           965,120 opencv_stitching310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           382,976 opencv_superres310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           356,352 opencv_video310.dll 
02/06/2018  01:10 AM           723,456 opencv_videostab310.dll 
              24 File(s)    140,661,760 bytes 
               0 Dir(s)  348,201,054,208 bytes free


It gets the opencv dll from the correct directory, but then it shows a circular dependency between: c:\program files\matlab\r2018a\bin\win64\API-MS-WIN-CORE-SYNCH-L1-2-0.DLL c:\windows\system32\KERNEL32.DLL

amroamroamro commented 5 years ago

OpenCV was manually compiled

I would still like to know about the build configuration (enabled opencv modules, external libraries, compiler flags, installation path, etc.). Normally you get a summary at the end of the CMake configuration step (basically the same output cv.getBuildInformation would give).

Did you follow our installation guide in the wiki?

Attaching the output of tree

sorry I meant !tree /F "C:\dev\build\install\x64" (the location containing the compiled binaries)

The mex command is ..

It would help to see the actual commands. I'm wondering here, did you use mexopencv.make or are you manually compiling them by calling mex yourself?

Also asking if you've enabled opencv_contrib?

The PATH environment variables has OpenCV/build included

Sorry to be nit-picky, but it would help to see the PATH contents (feel free to edit out anything private). In the past people had multiple installations of opencv with the wrong ordering which caused problems, so I'm just making sure here.

Also making sure you correctly added mexopencv to the matlab path (i.e addpath).

>> which -all cv.getBuildInformation

Computer Vision toolbox

Right, so there should be no conflict with CVST dll's, and you dont need to rename them. They have different names (opencv_core310 vs opencv_core341) so it's fine.

Dependency walker

It looks like the correct opencv DLLs are being loaded, as it should. Just collapse the list and only look at the top level dependencies. Don't worry about the circular dependencies (Windows loader handles that stuff), I'm only concerned with the opencv_*.dll DLLs.

So far I can't tell what the problem is, so please review my points above again.. I would ask if you made any changes to the C++ source file getBuildInformation.cpp?

Also did you try running another mexopencv function (say the cv.blur example above)? Are you getting the same error?

rehammaburas commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your help. I found that I was editing the mex flags in the make file to fix some compilation errors. I returned to the original make file and the problem is now solved.