kyegomez / swarms-platform
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[FEAT][Add Agent Builder] #117

Open kyegomez opened 1 week ago

kyegomez commented 1 week ago

Product Sprint Specification: [FEAT][Add Agent Builder]

Feature Description

Implement a feature where users can build an AI agent on the left side of the screen and generate an API request to run the agent on the right side. This feature will provide a seamless and intuitive interface for users to create and deploy AI agents.


User Stories

Story 1: Building an AI Agent

As a user, I want to build an AI agent using a visual interface, so that I can configure the agent's parameters and capabilities.

Acceptance Criteria

Story 2: Generating API Request

As a user, I want to generate an API request based on the agent I built, so that I can test and deploy the agent.

Acceptance Criteria

Story 3: Interactive Half-Half Screen

As a user, I want to see the agent builder and the API request side by side, so that I can easily make adjustments and see the corresponding changes.

Acceptance Criteria


Functional Requirements

  1. UI/UX Design

    • Design a split screen interface.
    • Implement drag-and-drop functionality for the agent builder.
    • Create forms and fields for configuring agent parameters.
  2. Backend Integration

    • Develop backend logic to translate agent configurations into API requests.
    • Ensure API request generation is dynamic and responsive to changes.
  3. Real-time Synchronization

    • Implement real-time updates to the API request as the agent configuration changes.
    • Ensure the split screen remains synchronized and responsive.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance

    • Ensure the interface is responsive and updates in real-time.
    • Minimize latency in API request generation.
  2. Scalability

    • Design the system to handle multiple simultaneous users.
    • Ensure the backend can scale with increasing complexity of agent configurations.
  3. Usability

    • Provide clear instructions and tooltips within the interface.
    • Ensure the interface is intuitive and easy to use for users with varying levels of expertise.


Need this done in the next 3 days

Risks and Mitigations

Risk 1: Complexity in Real-time Synchronization

Risk 2: Usability Issues

Risk 3: Performance Bottlenecks


The [FEAT][Add Agent Builder] feature aims to provide a user-friendly interface for building AI agents and generating API requests. By following this product sprint specification, the team can ensure the feature is developed efficiently and meets the needs of users.

kyegomez commented 1 week ago

Design Code