kykim / rem

Command-line tool to access OSX database
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Add to a specified list #5

Open TooBug opened 9 years ago

TooBug commented 9 years ago

is it possible to add a reminder to a specified list?

JayBrown commented 8 years ago

Would love to see this functionality too. We need to be able to specify the list, the title of the reminder, add text to the note section of the reminder, the due date, and the "remind me" date. Setting the priority is not a priority for me. ;) (But it might be for others.) Until then I'll stick with AppleScript, e.g. like this:

tell application "Reminders" if not (exists list theList) then make new list with properties {name:theList} end if set reminderList to list theList tell reminderList make new reminder with properties {name:reminderSubject, body:reminderNote, due date:theDeadline, remind me date:reminderDate} end tell quit end tell

PS: installed rem with homebrew on 10.11.3. Not everything seems to work. rem cat gives me "Error - ID Out of Range for Reminder List: "