kyle1373 / Archiverse

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Make it so when users click back they are taken to the same scroll positions on posts, users search, communities, comments, and more #8

Closed kyle1373 closed 2 weeks ago

kyle1373 commented 3 weeks ago

Labeling as wontfix because this is taking forever to figure out. It's either a limitation with Next.js or my limited knowledge of Next.js, as the default behavior for Next.js is to just rerender the page, even when going backwards to a page you already visited. This means that the data just isn't saved when moving back to the previous page. This is SUPER frustrating and it feels like a basic necessity for web apps, yet it feels that Next.js has no natural way of doing this. Ignoring this for now. Will come back to it later maybe

kyle1373 commented 2 weeks ago

We're so back.

Just gonna use redux to store state variables and create my own hook. Seems like a hacky way of fixing it but after 3 days of research I came to that conclusion that it's the only somewhat nice way. Lock in

kyle1373 commented 2 weeks ago


kyle1373 commented 2 weeks ago

It's been a wild ride, but we did it.